IVASS 6/2014: all the news you need to know
- Created: Wednesday, 27 May 2015 18:02
The IVASS 6/2014 regulation unites and harmonises the preceding rules relative to organisational, technological and professional standards concerning training and professional updating – intended as the exercise of intermediation and further obligatory preparation – for insurance intermediaries, with reference to training products, the requirements of training subjects and the technical characteristics of the Learning Management System, or other learning platforms.
Who can organise training courses according to the new regulations? Of course, insurance companies and first level intermediaries that can arrange the courses internally or opt only for their organisational management by entrusting the task of holding courses to external agencies possessing the proper requirements (category associations of insurance, credit and financial intermediaries, agencies belonging
to universities recognised by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, agencies possessing UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 sector EA37, UNI ISO 29990:11 quality certification or that of other accredited systems recognised at the European and international level).
The new regulation adopts stronger rules for the requirements of teachers. Whether internal or external, the teaching role must be entrusted to: a) university professors in those subjects pertinent to the content of the courses;
b) persons who have at least five years’ training and/or professional experience in the subjects that are pertinent to the courses;
c) employees or ex-employees of insurance companies and intermediaries registered under section D of the RUI, as well as intermediaries registered under sections A and B of the RUI, “as long as they possess proven professional experience matured over a minimum of five years performing activities of adequate didactic ability”.
The amount of hours for the training of the newly-hired personnel remains unchanged (60 hours to be completed within a period of 12 months) while the annual training requirement has been changed from 30 to 60 hours for professional update, of which at least 15 must be carried out within the calendar year: this modification allows greater flexibility to personnel who must meet the requirement to satisfy their training needs. The indications for call center operators remains the same.
For those engaged in eLearning, the most significant novelty of the new regulations regards the methods that are permitted for training and updating, among which the classroom, videoconference, webinar and eLearning are taken into consideration, being finally recognised as equally acceptable. As has already been done for the classroom, the admissibility criteria of eLearning is well defined, abolishing any other form of FAD issued on hard copy support and not tracked and establishing a series of requirements that relate to specific professional skills. Not as well defined are the requirements of video-conferences or webinars that seem to be teaching methods which are subject to less control.
Participation in conferences, round tables, workshops and seminars are not equally recognised as a training activity.
The training and update courses performed are valid if they are confirmed by passing a final test (with 60% correct answers). The test may be organised as a questionnaire with multiple choice and single answers, made up of an adequate number and difficulty of questions that will be pertinent and proportional to the content and duration of the course and may be administered also with a random method. The certificate at the end of the course must contain the following data: organiser of the course, teachers, duration and content.
What are the new rules relative to certificates?
– they do not have to be signed by the participant, but only by the subject that has organised the course;
– they must indicate possession of the obligations required of the person who took the course and the instructors who managed it;
– they may also be issued in digital format.
Another change regards the method of taking the training test, which must be held exclusively in a classroom and without any assistance; for the update the test may be held instead also remotely, as long as the exact identity of the participants is confirmed: this rather vague formula may be satisfied also by assigning to each participant a unique user ID.
Persons who take courses for third parties, at the conclusion, must deliver to the contracting party documentation (also in digital format) that indicates the programmes studied, the names of the instructors, the test questionnaires and the test reports.
Regarding course content (article 13), the new regulation introduces (attachment 1) a well-developed list in four thematic areas (legal, technical, administrative-management, IT) for an overall 24 modules (not always described clearly), adopting some details concerning what has been established until now, but indicating no real innovation.
In conclusion, the new regulation attributes to eLearning the same citizenship rights as classroom methods within the panorama of adopted didactic possibilities for the training of insurance professionals.
The seriousness of the new requirements introduced is testified to also by the careful description of the requirements that eLearning services and tools must possess to be recognised and judged as equal to the task.